Tuesday, September 05, 2006



PChome個人新聞台-Something about...

(1) 你用的 OS 是甚麼?

我用的是 Linux, 版本是 Fedora Core 4

(2) 這台是你的個人電腦?還是公司或家人共用的電腦? (Is this your computer or public computer?)


(3) 這張桌布是什麼?從哪裡取得的? (Where you got this wallpaper? What is it about?)

我為它取名為『夢幻羊咩咩的逃亡』, 是 CGSociety.org 上面的作品.

(4) 換桌布的頻率高嗎? (Do you change your wallpaper often?)

不算常換, 通常至少會放一個禮拜吧.

(5) 桌面上有幾個ICON? (How many icons do you have on the desktop?)

0 個. 左邊是 menu bar 還有 shortcut. 下面是 task bar.

(6) 一堆檔案和捷徑放得亂七八糟的桌面,你看得下去嗎? (Can you stand a very messy desktop?)

嗚, 我沒有呀~ T_T

(7) 對你的桌面有沒有什麼堅持? (Do you have some consistant habits with the desktop?)

桌布一定要好看! 最好還有其他很炫的功能像是: Gimmie, SLAB, etc.
The image “http://www.beatniksoftware.com/gimmie/screencast/gimmie-demo-bookmarks-thumb.png” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

(8) 有為了填這份接力, 還特地整理一下嗎? (Did you took the time to clean up your desktop)

哈哈, 它本來就長這樣了~

(9) 請再傳給5個「我想看看他的桌面」的人。(At last, pass this to five people whose wallpaper you want to see.)


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